
The MineralogicalAnalyse specialized computer program was applied to study the chemical composition of clinopyroxenes from kimberlites of the Chukuk pipe. The software was especially designed to identify a paragenetic affinity of kimberlite minerals, based on their composition. It is able to recognize 31 parageneses among the clinopyroxenes. The compositional peculiarities of clinopyroxenes of the distinguished parageneses and their relationships were described in detail. The data presented most completely characterize the paragenetic diversity of clinopyroxenes from kimberlites and their related placers. According to the investigation, kimberlites of the Chukuk pipe are dominated by clinopyroxenes of poorly diamond-bearing parageneses, which consistent with the poor diamond-bearing potential of the body. The varieties from poorly diamond-bearing equigranular lerzolites are most common (41,5 %). Thus, the usage of the MineralogicalAnalyse software allows one to judge not only on deep-seated sources of clinopyroxenes from kimberlites, but also to do on the diamond-bearing potential of these sources.

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