
In this paper, a simulation was proposed to study underwater visible light communication (UVLC) system using a multiple input–single output (MISO) technique with different modulation schemes under coastal water. MISO technique has enhanced the distance link with high speed data rate compared with the traditional technique of single input–single output (SISO), MISO technique was also employed to examine the performance of BER and data rate under different Jerlov types of coastal water. Various impairments such as distance link, pathloss, channel loss and the attenuation of coastal water were introduced into the transmission of the optical signal to assess the reliability of the MISO technique. The simulation analysis shows the proposed technique can outperform the SISO technique in terms of BER and Q. factor. Moreover, the Q. factor of up to 16 dB and 10−10 BER under J9C of coastal water by using (4Tx/1Rx) technique. The radiation angle of LED and the attenuation coefficient of coastal water were restricted for achieving longer distances link. The system accomplished a distance link about 2.9 and 13.5 m for coastal water types J9C and JIC respectively. The 32-PPM is a suitable modulation for obtaining a best distance link for LoS and NLoS scenarios.

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