
We consider the ability of the partial dynamical SU(3) symmetry (SU(3)-PDS) in the investigation of nuclei having excitation energy ratio R 4/2 ≥ 3.00. For this purpose, the level energy spectra of a set of 51 nuclei in the rare earth and actinide regions which present an axially deformed prolate rotational structure were analyzed via nuclear partial dynamical SU(3) symmetry in the framework of interacting boson model to see if the SU(3)-PDS is broadly applicable and where, how, and in which nuclei it breaks down. Overall, the PDS works very well, the predictions of such intermediate symmetry structure for energy spectrum were compared with the most recent experimental data and an acceptable degree of agreement is achieved. We conclude that PDS predictions have a more regular behavior in the description of axially deformed prolate rotational nuclei than DS, which may lead to accurate predictions of such nuclei, and hence play a significant role in understanding the regular behavior of complex nuclei.

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