
We have investigated the ferromagnetic behavior, electronic states and local geometrical structure of Ni (2 and 10 at %) doped SnO2 thin films. The films were successfully fabricated with the help of pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique on Si (100) substrate under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) condition. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results revealed the single phase character of SnO2 rutile lattice structure with P42/mnm space group. The inclusion of Ni ions into SnO2 matrix induced oxygen vacancy (Vo), enhanced the distortion in octahedral local symmetry and reduced the oxidation state of the host Sn4+ (SnO2) to Sn3+ (Sn2O3), these details have been estimated by Raman scattering, Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra at Ni L3,2 and O K edges. Further quantitative details on the local geometrical structure around Ni ions were obtained via fitting the experimental Fourier transforms EXAFS spectra |X(R)| with FEFF6 code. The magnetization measurements performed at room temperature (RT) infers that Ni doped SnO2 films displayed ferromagnetic (FM) signal, and there was no significant difference in the saturation moments even with increase in the Ni content. Hence, the similarity in the observed magnetic behavior of the films seems relevant to the same crystal growth condition (UHV) and might not be limited directly to the Ni dopant concentrations. The FM signal and the role of surface defects have been discussed in the light of spin-split impurity band percolation mechanism.

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