
The propagation characteristics of Lamb waves in a solid plate are typically represented by a set of dispersion curves, which describe the Lamb-wave phase velocity as a function of the product fd, where f is the acoustic frequency and d is the plate thickness. For certain modes, within a range of phase velocity and fd, it has been theoretically predicted that the associated group velocity could be negative, i.e., the energy transport is in the opposite direction to the phase velocity. In the present study, Lamb waves are generated via mode conversion from a water-borne sound beam incident onto a flat brass plate. Measurement of the phase and group velocities of the Lamb waves of the S1 mode is performed for the fd range of 2.0–2.3 MHz-mm. Comparison of the measured and computed values of phase and group velocities shows good agreement and clearly demonstrates that S1-mode Lamb waves have a negative group velocity for fd=2.08–2.24 MHz-mm.

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