
The harsh working environment in the catering industry has adverse effects on employees’ work-life balance. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationships between job satisfaction, work-related burnout, and their impact on the general health of individuals working in this industry. A purposive convenience sample of 100 individuals was selected for this study. Participants completed four electronic questionnaires: the demographic questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Questionnaire, and the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. The results revealed a correlation between burnout and job satisfaction with the general health of people working in the catering industry. Notably, the findings suggested that job satisfaction is affected by the age factor; as reported in previous studies, older workers exhibited a greater degree of job satisfaction compared to their younger counterparts. While these outcomes provide valuable insights, future investigations could benefit from a larger and more representative sample size conducted over an extended period. This approach would allow for a comprehensive exploration of additional factors influencing individuals who are active in the catering industry.

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