
Abstract : The present report extends the combined variable moduli model introduced in the previous report. This more general model is defined, conditions are set on the various parameters, and the model behavior in uniaxial strain, triaxial compression and proportional loading tests is discussed. The major portion of the present report deals with the procedures used to fit the current model, including the loading and unloading, to a rather complete set of laboratory data for McCormick Ranch Sand. Actually, four different fits are described, one of them, Uniax-Triax I, in some datail. The theoretical and experimental results are compared and with one fit, Uniax-Triax II, excellent agreement is found for uniaxial strain, triaxial compression and proportional loading tests. Finally, recommendations are made concerning reloading in shear. User's guides and FORTRAN listings of the two programs, UNAX2 and PROP, used to compute uniaxial strain and proportional loading (including triaxial compression) tests are given in an appendix.

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