
Oil and its derivatives such as gasoline, motor oil and gasoil are using in various industrial and non-industrial sectors as the main energy sources all over the world. However, within the process of exploration, transportation and storage they may spill or leaking into the soil. Among them the gasoil which is more widely used in different parts and machineries has the largest contribution in contaminating lands. Purgation of these areas is not always feasible or possible. Instead, they can be used in many engineering practices if the level of contamination is not high. In such cases knowing the geotechnical properties of these areas are of great necessity and importance. In this study, extensive laboratory tests were performed on remolded clayey samples mixed with gasoil to evaluate their geotechnical properties. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to analyze the data and find behavioral equations. According to testing results and RSM outputs a decrease in Atterberg limits, and increase in maximum dry density happen by increasing contamination. Also their shear strength parameters (c and f) both exhibit a turning change point at 8% gasoil content, while their variations trends are quite in opposite directions

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