
Purpose- In this study, the concept of cyberloafing, which we encounter more frequently as the use of technology increases day by day, is examined. In this respect, the aim of the study is to determine which situations the participants see as cyberloafing behavior, to reveal what the reasons for cyberloafing are, and to find out whether they perceive it as cyberloafing if they show cyberloafing behavior. Methodology- The research was structured within the framework of qualitative research and descriptive analysis. Interview technique was preferred in the research in order to obtain more detailed information from the participants about cyberloafing. The research was conducted with 21 participants. Findings- According to the results of the research, it was revealed that all participants showed cyberloafing behavior. Participants agreed that the definition of cyberloafing behavior is a behavior that occurs “while at work”. The majority of participants define cyberloafing behavior as “spending time on the internet while at work”. Participants mostly exemplified cyberloafing behavior as surfing on the internet, surfing around on social media networks, and playing games on the computer/phone. The most common reasons that may lead employees to show cyberloafing behavior are social media usage habits, fear of missing the agenda, and fear of missing out on what the entourage is doing. Participants consider the disadvantages of cyberloafing behavior to be decreased job performance, postponement of responsibilities, and increased concentration problems. Conclusion- When the study results are evaluated in general, organizations and managers can focus on reducing the negative aspects of cyberloafing behavior by providing information and training to employees about the use of the internet and technology for personal reasons. Considering the positive and negative consequences of cyberloafing behavior, it would be appropriate to develop organizational policies and strategies on this issue instead of completely eliminating cyberloafing in organizations. Keywords: Cyberloafing, cyberslacking, qualitative research, internet usage. JEL Codes: M10, M15, D23

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