
Abstract. This study examined the relationships between various traits associated with seed and crude protein yields of confectionary sunflower as well as the direct and indirect effects of these traits on crude protein yield. Eight open-pollinated confectionary sunflower populations and two open-pollinated confectionary sunflower cultivars used as control varieties were evaluated during two growing seasons (2009 and 2010). Certain agronomical and technological traits such as plant height, head diameter, seed yield, 1000-seed weight, kernel ratio, crude protein ratio, and crude protein yield were measured for the study. The results for the individual years and the combined data for both years revealed that there were significant positive correlations between the seed yield and the plant height, head diameter, 1000-seed weight and crude protein yield. The crude protein yield was also positively and significantly correlated with the 1000-seed weight and the seed yield, but the correlations with the plant height, head diameter, kernel ratio and crude protein ratio were not significant. The path coefficients from path analysis indicated that the seed yield had the maximum positive direct effect on the crude protein yield, followed by the crude protein ratio. The greatest positive indirect effects on the crude protein yield were attributed to the 1000-seed weight, plant height and head diameter through their effects on seed yield. The magnitudes of the direct effects of the seed yield and the crude protein ratio on the crude protein yield were 79.2% and 56.9%, respectively. Hence, selection based on seed yields, 1000-seed weights and crude protein ratios could be used to improve crude protein yield in confectionary sunflower breeding programs.

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