
Abstract: In present study, the results are researching the chemical compounds of the aerial part of Chenopodium album L. growing on the territory the Republic of Buryatia. A study was conducted the qualitative composition and quantitative content of flavonoids in the flowering stage of vegetation of, the quantitative content of ascorbic acid, and the amount of phytoecdysteroids in three vegetation period: the vegetation stage, the flowering stage, the fruiting stage for the major component of 20-hydroxyecdysone. The qualitative composition of flavonoids Ch. album is the major component quercetin. Because quantitative content of flavonoids is making in terms of quercetin. The results of quantitative content are: in water extraction - 3.38%; in water-alcohol extraction: 5.18% - 40%, 5.28 - 70%, 4.44 - 95% in terms of absolutely dry raw materials, confidence interval 0.5. The greatest content of flavonoids is extracted with ethyl alcohol 70%. Content of ascorbic acid in the aerial part Ch. album was 23.87 mg per 100g., confidence interval 0.8. The content of 20-hydroxyectizone is equal to 28 mg/g – the vegetation stage, 18 mg/g – flowering stage, 32 mg/g – fruiting stage. The greatest content of 20-hydroxyectizone were at the period of fruiting. For the first time, investigated the content of ascorbic acid and of 20-hydroxyecdysone Ch. album from Buryatia.

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