
Dexamethasone acetate (DXMa) has proven its efficiency to treat corneal inflammation, without a great propensity to increase intraocular pressure. Unfortunately, its poor aqueous solubility, associated with a rapid precorneal elimination, results in a low drug bioavailability and a low penetration after topical ocular administration. The main objective of this study was to improve the apparent aqueous solubility of DXMa using cyclodextrins. First, hydroxypropyl-β-CD (HPβCD) and hydroxypropyl-γ-CD (HPγCD) were used to enhance DXMa concentration in aqueous solution. The β and γ HPCD derivatives allowed the increase of the DXMa amount in solution at 25 °C by a factor of 500 and 1500, respectively. Second, with the aim of improving the persistence of the complex solution after instillation in the eye, the formulations of DXMa-based CD solutions with marketed ophthalmic gels (CELLUVISC®, GEL-LARMES®, and VISMED®) were investigated and optimized by means of special cubic mixture designs, allowing the defining of mixed gels loaded with 0.7% (HPβCD) and 2% (HPγCD) DXMa with osmolality within acceptable physiological range. Finally, in vitro drug release assays from the mixed gels were performed and compared with reference eye drops. Similarly to MAXIDEX® and DEXAFREE®, in the case of mixed gel containing HPβCD, more than 90% of the drug was released within 2 h, while in mixed gel containing HPγCD, the release of DXMa was partial, reaching ≈60% in 2 h. This difference will have to be further addressed with ex vivo and in vivo ocular delivery experiments.


  • Ocular inflammation is the consequence of many potential eye disorders among which uveitis is believed to be the cause of about 10% of the cases of severe visual handicap in the United States [1].Topical administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, steroidal (SAID) and non steroidal (NSAID), is the most frequently used method to treat ocular surface and anterior segment inflammation as it presents an easy accessibility, a simplicity of use, a non invasive way, and generally a good tolerance

  • Dexamethasone acetate (DXMa), a poorly water-insoluble steroid, was selected in this study to be formulated for topical ocular administration

  • High drug contents in aqueous solution were achieved by using HPβCD or HPγCD at a concentration of 600 mg/mL, allowing the increase by a factor of around 500 and 1500, respectively, of the DXMa amount in water at 25 ◦C

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Ocular inflammation is the consequence of many potential eye disorders among which uveitis is believed to be the cause of about 10% of the cases of severe visual handicap in the United States [1].Topical administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, steroidal (SAID) and non steroidal (NSAID), is the most frequently used method to treat ocular surface and anterior segment inflammation as it presents an easy accessibility, a simplicity of use, a non invasive way, and generally a good tolerance. Ocular inflammation is the consequence of many potential eye disorders among which uveitis is believed to be the cause of about 10% of the cases of severe visual handicap in the United States [1]. The ocular drug bioavailability in conventional eye drops is notoriously poor; only 1–5% of drug applied to the surface penetrates the cornea. This is the consequence of various effective. 22ooff1176 pprrootteeccttiivveemmeecchhaanniissmmssaannddmmuullttiipplleebbaarrrriieerrssttooddrruuggeennttrryy,,iinncclluuddiinnggaaffaassttnnaassoo--llaacchhrryymmaallddrraaiinnaaggee dduueettoo hhiigghh tteeaarr fflluuiidd ttuurrnnoovveerr aanndd lliidd bblliinnkkiinngg,, tthhee ccoorrnneeaallssttrruuccttuurreewwiitthhaa hhyyddrroopphhiilliiccssttrroommaa ssaannddwwicichheeddbbeetwtweeeenntthheelliippoopphhiliilciceeppitithheeliluiummaannddeennddooththeeliluiumm, ,eeppitihtheelilaial lddrruuggtrtraannssppoorrttbbaarrrrieierrss, , aannddcclleeaarraanncceeffrroommtthheevvaassccuullaattuurreeiinntthheeccoonnjjuunnccttiivvaa [[22,,33]]. NNuummeerroouussssttrraateteggieiesshhaavveebbeeeennddeevveeloloppeeddtotoininccrreeaasseeththeebbioioaavvaailialabbiliiltiytyooffoopphhththaalmlmicicddruruggs.s. OOnneeoofftthheemmiissttoopprroolloonnggtthheeccoonnttaaccttttiimmeebbeettwweeeenn tthhee ddrruugg aanndd tthhee ccoorrnneeaall//ccoonnjujunncctitvivaalleeppitithheeliluiumm bbyytthheeuussee ooff mmuuccooaaddhheessiivveehhyyddrrooggeellss[[44]]. AAnneennhhaanncceeddrreessidideenncceetitmimeewwililllininccrreeaasseetthheettiimmeeoovveerr wwhhiicchhaabbssoorrppttiioonnccaannooccccuurraannddtthheettoottaallaammoouunnttooffddrruuggaabbssoorrbbeeddaannddhhaassbbeeeennsshhoowwnnttoorreessuullttiinn pprroolloonnggeeddeeffffeeccttaannddiinnccrreeaasseeddbbiiooaavvaaiillaabbiililtityyiinnsseevveerraallssttuuddiieess[[55]]..AAssaanneexxaammpplele,,tthhiissssttrraatteeggyyiiss uusseeddiinnmmaarrkkeetteeddeeyyeeddrrooppssssuucchhaassTTIIMMOOPPTTOOLL LLPP®®aannddGGEELLTTIIMMLLPP®®, ,wwhhicichhaarreeininsstitlilleleddoonncceeddaailiyly vvss..ttwwiciceeddaailiylywwitithhTTIIMMOOCCOOMMOODD®®

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