
In convection-dominated thermoprocessing plants, the current state of the art is to use centrifugal and axial fans in conjunction with flow straighteners to ensure a homogeneous inflow of the fluid and thus a homogeneous temperature distribution. However, flow straighteners lead to an additional pressure loss in the system that must be overcome. Tangential fans can deliver a homogeneous volume flow over the entire width of the fan even without flow straighteners. Therefore, they offer a possibility to increase the energy efficiency of these systems. Based on this motivation, the possibilities of increasing the thermomechanical long-term stability of tangential fans are being evaluated as part of a current research and development project. To this end, the effects of design changes on the generated flow and the mechanical loads are being investigated with the help of FEM and CFD simulations. The aim is to design a tangential fan that can withstand the mechanical and dynamic loads and deliver a consistently high and homogenous fluid flow at the same time. A geometry based on the results of the simulations was manufactured as a functional sample. This sample was investigated at the hot test stand of the IOB and is compared to a reference tangential fan.

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