
This work deals with 23Na(n,2n)22Na and 127I(n,2n)126I reactions in the 252Cf spontaneous fission neutron source. 252Cf neutron source with approximate emission of 6·× 108 n/s was employed for the irradiation of sodium iodide. The spectrum-averaged cross sections (SACS) were then inferred from experimentally determined reaction rates and compared with calculations in MCNP6 using various nuclear data libraries. The experimental reaction rates were derived from the net peak areas (NPAs) measured using the high purity germanium spectroscopy. The measured SACS for the 23Na(n,2n)22Na reaction in the 252Cf spectrum was determined as equal to (8.98±0.32)·× 10−6 b. The resulting SACS for the 127I(n,2n)126I reaction in the 252Cf spectrum was derived as (2.044±0.0072)·× 10−3 b. These experimental data can be used for nuclear data libraries validation and to specify high energy tail of the 252Cf neutron spectrum.

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