
The occurrence of sports injuries is closely related to sports events, training arrangements, sports environment, athletes' own conditions and technical movements. The impact of sports injuries on sports majors is serious. Research on preventing sports injuries has a positive effect on enhancing physical fitness and improving sports skills. The purpose of this article is to conduct a research on sports injuries in the track and field class of college sports majors. This paper conducts a specific investigation of sports injuries in the track and field classes of college sports majors in this city. Through the analysis of the specific conditions of sports injuries, it is found that the probability and characteristics of sports injuries of college sports majors in track and field classes are reduced to reduce schools and parents. As well as students' fear of sports injuries , the purpose of increasing students' enthusiasm for sports is to find evidence for effectively preventing and reduci ng the occurrence of sports injuries. This article uses literature method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method, logical analysis method and other research methods to conduct field survey questionnaires on five representative colleges and universities in this city, aiming at the current characteristics and causes of sports injuries in college students' track and field classes. Investigate and research in other aspects. Studies have shown that among the 167 sports majors surveyed, it is found that only 16 people are treated after each sports injury, accounting for 10%. It can be found that the students have sports injuries during the track and field training. Weak consciousness and lack of effective protection measures have made the incidence of sports injuries continue to increase.

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