
Despite the global popularity of bus rapid transit (BRT) in last couple of decades, there is limited empirical evidence in the rapidly urbanizing developing countries regarding corridor-wide users' typical travel characteristics and perceptions of the system attributes. The factors affecting BRT users' (dis)satisfaction are also often disregarded, given less priority than needed, or delayed till issues become more difficult and costlier to manage. Although on a rise, currently only ~10% of BRT systems worldwide are in lower-middle-income and low-income countries, which also supports the need to effectively address BRT passengers' mobility issues in such countries with cramped resources, contributing towards more sustainable urban mass transit systems. As major share of BRTs worldwide are single-corridors (~63%), this study investigates the above stated gaps using case of such BRT in the megacity of Lahore, Pakistan via on-site structured interview surveys using intercept method from BRT users along all stations of the corridor. Typical travel characteristics, correlations and cross-comparisons of sample demographics with mobility attributes, underlying (dis)similar themed factors ensuring internal consistency, and rankings of (dis)satisfactions regarding service attributes were evaluated using combination of statistical methods. Visual comparisons of factors in 2D and 3D rotated space were also explored. Results revealed differences in travel characteristics of BRT users for various demographics; convergence of eight factors from twenty-two service quality attributes; spectrum of highest, average and lowest ranked attributes; and inter-spatial relationship of service quality attributes based on the factors contributing relatively more variation. The overarching findings provide useful insights for transportation practitioners, policy makers and could also contribute towards updating BRT guidelines by incorporating the needs and requirements of BRT users in the developing countries.

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