
Product reliability is essential to its acceptance in the current competitive market. Hence, organizations must understand the significance of attributes that support reliability-focused improvement and culture in manufacturing and product development. The aim of the study is, therefore, to examine literature for key underlying attributes that support reliability-focused improvement and culture. Based on literature information, a questionnaire designed and used to analyze experts and managers judgment about the above-mentioned problem. Twenty-two attributes are considered in the questionnaire. Using manufacturing firms in Nigeria, 114 questionnaires were administered—the questionnaire’s response rate was 97.33%. Single-factor ANOVA method was used to analyze the collected questionnaires. The calculated F value 1.9293 is greater than the F crit 1.5601, while the calculated P value (0.0068) is less than the significance level (0.05). Hence, it was deduced that the attributes were significant and they support reliability-focused improvement initiative and culture in manufacturing systems. This result is beneficial to product development companies because it provides design and industrial managers with an in-depth understanding of reliability concerns of products and an in-depth understanding of the control, prevention and elimination of wastes and losses in their products.

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