
Excited states in the exotic N = 34 isotope 54Ca have been measured for the first time via in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy with proton-knockout reactions from 55Sc and 56Ti radioactive beams on a Be reaction target at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory, Japan. A strong candidate for the transition from the first 2+ state to the 0+ ground state has been identified, in addition to several other weaker transitions. The structure of the N = 33 isotope 53Ca has also been investigated from the same data. Preliminary γ-ray energy spectra for 54Ca and 53Ca will be presented and the significance of the N = 34 subshell closure will be examined. Predictions of several shell-model interactions performed in the fp model space will be discussed in light of the new results.


  • Over recent years, the evolution of nuclear shell structure in exotic, neutron-rich nuclei has attracted much attention on both the experimental and theoretical fronts

  • This observation led to a modified version of the GXPF1 Hamiltonian, labelled GXPF1A [14], in order to better reproduce the experimental systematics of the N ≈ 34 isotopes

  • The new interaction was found to show a systematic improvement in predictions of E(2+1 ) in the Cr isotopes, and the recent assignment of Jπ = 1/2− to the 55Ti ground state [15] supports the prediction of the GXPF1A interaction, indicating that the νf5/2 orbital lies above νp1/2 in Ti, albeit not high enough to result in a new subshell closure

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