
This case study investigates a recent Russian disinformation narrative about U.S. biolabs and the development of biological weapons in Ukraine. This disinformation campaign was officially initiated by the Russian government, including the Russian Ministry of Defense, and was disseminated by official state-funded Russian media. In their announcement, Russian officials condemned pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Moderna, as well as the U.S. military, for developing biological weapons in Ukraine. Four datasets with tweets were collected in English and Russian to analyze narratives and communities involved in the Ukrainian biolabs conversations on Twitter.This study aims to investigate how this disinformation theme was propagated in two languages on Twitter. Twitter social media data analysis, network influence metrics, coordination analysis, Leiden clustering, and qualitative data analysis were used in this study. The results have demonstrated that this particular disinformation campaign targeted both English and Russian-speaking audiences with coordinated inauthentic amplification to spread this disinformation to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. However, we found that this narrative was also naturally propagated by anti-vax and conservative communities among English-speaking users on Twitter.

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