
Skilled behavior often displays signatures of Bayesian inference. In order for the brain to implement the required computations, neuronal activity must carry accurate information about the uncertainty of sensory inputs. Two major approaches have been proposed to study neuronal representations of uncertainty. The first one, the Bayesian decoding approach, aims primarily at decoding the posterior probability distribution of the stimulus from population activity using Bayes’ rule, and indirectly yields uncertainty estimates as a by-product. The second one, which we call the correlational approach, searches for specific features of neuronal activity (such as tuning-curve width and maximum firing-rate) which correlate with uncertainty. To compare these two approaches, we derived a new normative model of sound source localization by Interaural Time Difference (ITD), that reproduces a wealth of behavioral and neural observations. We found that several features of neuronal activity correlated with uncertainty on average, but none provided an accurate estimate of uncertainty on a trial-by-trial basis, indicating that the correlational approach may not reliably identify which aspects of neuronal responses represent uncertainty. In contrast, the Bayesian decoding approach reveals that the activity pattern of the entire population was required to reconstruct the trial-to-trial posterior distribution with Bayes’ rule. These results suggest that uncertainty is unlikely to be represented in a single feature of neuronal activity, and highlight the importance of using a Bayesian decoding approach when exploring the neural basis of uncertainty.


  • Animal behavior can adapt efficiently in the face of uncertainty

  • We show that that this model captures known features of the auditory pathway physiology in both the inferior colliculus (IC) and OT, as well as behavioral data, and confirmed that momentary uncertainty can be accurately estimated by applying Bayesian decoding to the trial-by-trial neuronal activity

  • We considered a specific behavioral task: localizing a sound source based on the Interaural Time Difference (ITD), that is, the time delay between the arrival of the same sound to the left and right ears (Fig 2A; see Methods Section “Uncertainty in the auditory localization task” for details)

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Animal behavior can adapt efficiently in the face of uncertainty. For example, when sensory stimuli are ambiguous, behavior is more variable and biased towards prior expectations than for informative stimuli [1]. Neuronal activity must continuously represent how certain an animal should be about its beliefs, that is, at any given time, the response of neurons must represent an estimate of the encoded variables, such as the direction of motion of objects, or their color, and the uncertainty around these estimates. Knowing the momentary uncertainty is critical to performing optimal multisensory integration, marginalization of nuisance variables and, more generally, all basic operations of Bayesian inference [2,3]. The specific format in which the uncertainty is represented constrains how these key operations can be implemented in the brain

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