
Abstract Our research explores the relationship between cognition and language. The focus of this paper is to discuss how we embarked upon remote data collection with children during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study we investigate cognitive processes of non-verbal intelligence, working memory, implicit statistical learning, and speed of automatization (measured with the multiple-trial Tower of Hanoi puzzle). Here we focus primarily on the speed of automatization, partly because of theoretical interest, and because it is more difficult to adapt to an online format due to the motor component of the task. We established a hybrid method of data collection where the researcher was present online to guide children through a battery of language and cognitive tasks. We used a videoconferencing platform, a digital visualiser, and a physical puzzle which we posted to each child prior to commencing the research sessions. We also designed an online version of the puzzle with support from the Getting Data project. We discuss the methodology of our study and the lessons learned during remote data collection.

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