
Rosmarinus officinalis is a widely cultivated plant with various medicinal and culinary uses. However, irrigation with contaminated water can lead to the accumulation of heavy elements in the tissues of this plant. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the contamination of Rosmarinus officinalis with heavy elements during irrigation with polluted water (wastewater). To achieve this, 39 seedlings were uniformly planted in pots and irrigated with water contaminated with zinc, lead, nickel, and cadmium. The level of contamination in the plant was measured at three vegetative stages using target hazard quotient (THQ), hazard index (HI), and bioconcentration factor (BCF) indicators. In addition, a spectrometer in the range of 400-1030nm was used to measure the amount of reflection of plants to electromagnetic waves. The K-means method was then applied to investigate the relationship between the morphological characteristics of the plants and heavy metal pollution. The results showed that the highest THQ values were observed in the third vegetative stage (THQPb = 113, THQNi = 0.08, THQZn = 0.25, THQCd = 0.1). Furthermore, the BCFCd and BCFPb indices indicated that the highest contamination levels occurred in the third vegetative stage. The regression analysis identified the spectral bands of 880, 580, 1030, 400, 760, 570, 650, 1050, 560, and 910nm as the most important for identifying heavy element-contaminated plants. Finally, the K-means method showed high accuracy (R2 = 0.89) for identifying and classifying plant organs affected by pollution from healthy parts. It is worth noting that the investigation of the contamination of Rosmarinus officinalis with heavy elements using electromagnetic waves represents a novel contribution to the field, particularly given the importance of this plant in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

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