
Ovarian cancer stands as a prevalent malignancy within the realm of gynecology, and the emergence of resistance to chemotherapeutic agents remains a pivotal impediment to both prognosis and treatment. Through a single-cell level investigation, we scrutinize the drug resistance and mitotic activity of the core tumor cells in ovarian cancer. Our study revisits the interrelationships and temporal trajectories of distinct epithelial cells (EPCs) subpopulations, while identifying genes associated with ovarian cancer prognosis. Notably, our findings establish a strong association between the drug resistance of EPCs and oxidative phosphorylation pathways. Subsequently, through subpopulation and temporal trajectory analysis, we confirm the intermediate position of EPCs subpopulation C0. Furthermore, we delve into the immunological functions and differentially expressed genes associated with the prognosis of C0, shedding light on the potential for constructing novel ovarian cancer prognosis models and identifying new therapeutic targets.

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