
As a culturally diverse country, every region in Indonesia has local wisdom that must be passed down from generation to generation. Folktale is a type of local wisdom shared by every Indonesian tribe. Pamona tribe has potential folktales that could be incorporated into English learning materials. This integration will not only benefit ELT, but will also help to preserve the local heritage. This descriptive study attempted to investigate the inclusion of local folktales in English teaching materials in the South Pamona Sub-district, Central Sulawesi. The researchers used interviews, observation, and document analysis to collect data. An English teacher and some high school students from the South Pamona Sub-district served as informants. The documents were EFL teachers’ English textbooks. The data were examined using an interactive model. The findings revealed that all the folktales found in English textbooks originated outside Sulawesi. As a result, this study suggests that it is critical to document the existing folktales in South Pamona so that EFL teachers can use them in English teaching materials to preserve and appreciate local wisdom among Indonesian learners.

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