
Darkening has been an issue of concern for foundation products. The secretion of sebum plays a significant role in the process of foundation darkening, but the underlying mechanisms and solutions have been rarely reported. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between sebum secretion and liquid foundation darkening and to provide possible solutions for reducing sebum-induced darkening in liquid foundation. Artificial sebum in different concentrations was added to a basic liquid foundation to simulate different stages of sebum secretion. The colour of the mixture was then measured by a spectrophotometer on the standard opacity chart. Potential technical solutions for anti-darkening were applied to a basic liquid foundation, and its ability to anti-darkening was further verified invivo. (1) The influences of sebum addition on liquid foundation darkening had a significant positive correlation with the increase in transmissivities (R2 = 0.852, p < 0.01). (2) A certain range of sebum addition can reduce the darkening of volatile foundations. (3) The liquid foundations using pigments with high dispersibility in sebum were less influenced by sebum. (4) The replacement of pigments with oil-fixing ability could effectively reduce the darkening of liquid foundations induced by sebum (p < 0.01). The effect of sebum on the darkening of liquid foundation was accompanied by a greater transmissivity as its pigment concentration decreased. Balanced volatility, the addition of powders with higher sebum dispersibility and the replacement of oil-fixing powders could reduce the darkening of the liquid foundation caused by sebum secretion.

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