
We present a systematic study of electron-correlation and relativistic effects in diatomic molecular species of the heaviest halogen astatine (At) within relativistic single- and multireference coupled-cluster approaches and relativistic density functional theory. We establish revised reference ab initio data for the ground states of At2, HAt, AtAu, and AtO+ using a highly accurate relativistic effective core potential model and in-house basis sets developed for accurate modeling of molecules with large spin-orbit effects. Spin-dependent relativistic effects on chemical bonding in the ground state are comparable to the binding energy or even exceed it in At2. Electron-correlation effects near the equilibrium internuclear separation are mostly dynamical and can be adequately captured using single-reference CCSD(T). However, bond elongation in At2 and, especially, AtO+ results in rapid manifestation of its multireference character. While useful for evaluating the spin-orbit effects on the ground-state bonding and properties, the two-component density functional theory lacks predictive power, especially in combination with popular empirically adjusted exchange-correlation functionals. This drawback supports the necessity to develop new functionals for reliable quantum-chemical models of heavy-element compounds with strong relativistic effects.

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