
In recent years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is receiving a great deal of interests as a new paradigm of blended learning, flipped classroom and distance education. Hence, this research proposes a model based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to identify the factors that can influence students in a higher education in Malaysia to use this technology to support their classroom learning. A sample of 111 students used the developed MOOC and completed a questionnaire. Eleven hypotheses in this research were then tested using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) and results showed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitude directly affected students’ intention to use the MOOC. On the other hand, social influence and course quality were found to have positive relationship with perceived usefulness whereas the impact of collaboration and perceived enjoyment on perceived ease of use was observed to be significant. The influence of collaboration on perceived usefulness was also studied but turned out insignificant.

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