
Multiple insertion-deletion (multi-InDel) has greater potential in forensic genetics than InDel, and its efficacy in kinship testing, individual identification, DNA mixture detection and ancestry inference remains to be explored. Consequently, we designed an efficient and robust system consisting of 41 multi-InDels to evaluate its efficacy in forensic applications in Chinese Hezhou Han (HZH) and Southern Shaanxi Han (SNH) populations and explore the genetic relationships between the SNH, HZH, and 26 reference populations. The obtained results showed that 38 out of the 41 multi-InDels had fairly high genetic variations. The the cumulative probability of discrimination and exclusion values of the multi-InDels (except MI38) in HZH and SNH populations both exceeded 1-e-25 and 1-e-6, correspondingly. The genetic compositions of HZH and SNH individuals were similar to that of East Asians and the Naive Bayes model could well distinguish East Asians, Africans and Americans. These results indicated that the multi-InDel systerm can serve as an effective tool to provide important evidence for the development of multi-InDels in forensic practice and better analyse the genetic background of the Han Chinese populations.

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