
Diversity is abundant among microbial communities. Understanding the assembly of diverse microbial communities is a significant challenge. One of the recent plausible explanations for the assembly involves eco-evolutionary tunnels, where species interact in the same timescale with the mutational rate. Analysis of data generated by agent-based models was used to understand these tunnels. However, modeling the interactions explicitly by dynamic models is lacking. Here, we present the modeling and characterization of eco-evolutionary tunnels that give rise to cooperative evolutionary stable communities (ESC). We find that higher order, but common interactions are sufficient for eco-evolutionary tunnels. We identify three distinct scenarios: evolution of costly cooperation, mutationally inaccessible assembly, and bistability. Biological interpretations of the models are shedding light on the evolution of cooperation. One of the important findings is that if species maximize their benefit by preying on the other strain when dominant and cooperating at intermediate abundances, the assembly process needs eco-evolutionary tunneling. In addition, we characterize the importance of genetic drift with respect to eco-evolutionary tunnels, intermittently stable communities, and the effect of high population limits on the tunnels.

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