
The growing fascination among Indonesians with Korean cuisine and the escalating usage of social media platforms has led to a significant reliance on electronic Word-of-Mouth (e-WOM) as a pivotal determinant for restaurant selection. This research aims to investigate the influence of e-WOM features, including Celebrity Endorsements, Influencer Recommendations, and Customer Reviews, on the purchase intentions of Indonesian consumers concerning Korean restaurants. Employing a deductive framework and quantitative methodologies, primary data collection was conducted. The findings underscore the paramount importance of Customer Reviews in shaping Indonesian consumers' decision-making processes when selecting Korean restaurants. These reviews are valued for their perceived authenticity and representation of diverse viewpoints, distinguishing them as credible and influential sources. In contrast, while Celebrity Endorsements and Influencer Recommendations influence consumer attitudes and perceptions, they do not significantly impact purchase intentions. This study provides valuable insights into the dynamics of e-WOM's influence on the Indonesian culinary landscape, with a specific emphasis on Korean restaurants. These findings hold practical significance for restaurant operators and marketers who leverage e-WOM to effectively engage and cater to diverse consumer segments within the Indonesian market.

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