
Jonte Bernhard, Ph. D. (Eng.), is an associate professor in experimental physics, especially electronics, at Linkping University, Campus Norrkping, Sweden. His research is presently focused on engineering and physics education, and he has initiated the Engineering Education Research Group at Linkping University. Dr Bernhard has developed and taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in engineering physics since 1987 and graduate level courses in science, physics and engineering education since 2000. Previously Dr Bernhard has an extensive record of research in magnetic materials with a Ph.D. in Solid State Physics and a M.Sc. (Eng.) degree in Engineering Physics from Uppsala University. Presently he is chairman of the SEFI Working Group on Engineering Education Research (WG-EER) and co-ordinator for the Nordic Network for Engineering Education Research (NNEER) funded by the Nordic Council.

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