
Senses are the extensions of language and interrelations between word meanings within language and the basis of flexible language use. Computers are basically made to process symbols. Computational linguistics is to simulate part of, if not all of, the natural language competence. From the perspective of computational linguistics, this paper sheds some light on semantic formalization, and proposes tagging of senses along with tagging weight values when processing word meanings. Also, this paper makes attempts to apply sense weight values to sentence processing in computational linguistics. Keywords-semantics, sense, weight, formalization, computational linguistics I. SEMANTIC KNOWLEDGE IN LANGUAGE PROCESSING According to prototype theory, semantic knowledge is part of human’s cognitive and belief systems. Semantics is also the critical research area since its initiation in 1893 by Michael Breal, and then by Trier and Lakoff who contributes to semantic research from both the descriptive and generative perspective. In linguistic semantics, rules and principles explain how literal meaning is coded in language and how to understand the “senses” of an expression or sense-relations that hold between one word and other expressions within the same language (Ceusters et al, 1999). Language is the carrier of both thoughts and forms. Thoughts are to induce, deduce, infer and judge, while senses are the contents and basis of thoughts. Senses are not the repeated addition of forms, rather a psychological process. Semantics is the mapping of cognitive structure from language expressions. Based on concepts, which are the abstract and general categorization of objects, people can apply semantic principles, situational contexts and encyclopedic knowledge to construct cognitive schema of the outside world. With frequent interactions and cognitive strategies, limited forms can be used to express unlimited connotation of thoughts (Tesser and Leone, 1977). For example, same meanings can be expressed with different semantic forms. a) 他这个人真有意思 (funny); b) 于是人们以为他们有了意思 (wish); c) 你向他意思意思 (express)如何; d) .我根本没有那个意思 (thought); e) 他常说人生真没有意思 (nonsense); f) 你们这么说是什么意思 (intention) These sentences are easy to comprehend. People not only use the grammatical structures but also the sense weights to process the words. The sense weight schema are stored in memory, and activated to represent and distill other sense weights. In this chain activation, sense weights are restructured and created to reflect prototypes. For example, “你好?”, “你好么?”, “好么你?”. Different structures are used in the above examples, but their essential meaning remains the same. So, semantic knowledge is of utmost importance in language comprehension. II. THE STATUS QUO OF COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS Three domains and three corresponding levels of study are involved in building natural language processing systems, i.e. theoretical linguistics and grammar level, computational linguistics and formalization level, computer technology and realization level. Among them, grammar level concerns the innate characteristics of language and paves the way for the latter modules. Realization level focuses on how to control computer operation and provides the efficient development tools and environment. Formalization level is the interface of grammar level and realization level, with the task to readjust the general grammar modules to form grammar modules for convenient computer processing. Computational linguists’ mission is to establish formal grammars (Kaufmann and Pfister, 2012). Computational linguistics is also to establish formalized mathematical modules to analyze and process natural language, and develop computer programs to make it possible that machines can simulate part of, if not all of, human behavior and competence. Computers can only be used to process symbols and all those processed by computers are symbolized with no exception of languages (Yushi, 2003). Meanwhile, there have been breakthroughs in processing Chinese characters and phrases, so sentence level processing has become critical. Basic researches in syntactic, semantic and pragmatic knowledge are the frontier studies in Chinese processing. And how to acquire syntactic and semantic knowledge is the key, while the latter constitutes the major difficulty in processing the word level senses. As aforementioned, semantic formalization can take on many impossible missions in artificial intelligence and computational linguistics, and face challenges at the same time. Thus, the researcher will use semantic field to investigate formalization issues. Semantic fields are the sememe systems, which include the semantemes to represent similarities and differences, and are classified by the subordinates, i.e. degree and number of abstraction of Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013) Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

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