
A heterogeneous composition of cement (binding agent), aggregates (Fine & Coarse Aggregate), water and admixtures is termed as “Concrete”. Concrete became a major material to be used comprehensively in construction industry throughout the globe. Reviewing the researches done on concrete up-till now, explained the importance of concrete and research on concrete. Use of various admixtures as an additive to concrete increases the performance of concrete. Combination of discrete fibers, aggregates and hydraulic cement develops a strengthening concrete named fiber reinforced concrete. Concrete comprises cement provides workability to concrete and also can be easily moulded in any shape, hence it is considered to be the material to be used abundantly in construction industry. Concrete which is highly workable in its fresh state is termed as S-C–C. To minimize requirement of labour for placing of concrete researchers from Japan introduced for the first time S-C–C in year 1988. Various types of strong and weak admixtures are used to make normal conventional type concrete, S-C–C. Amount of admixture is taken based on the value of slump required and also on the dosage of super-plasticizer as specified the company. In the research the author investigated F-R-S-C–C. The author worked on various properties of concrete say rheological & mechanical properties. Author incorporated two different types of fiber in concrete. The two fibers used in the research were steel fiber and coir fiber. The fiber is incorporated in different proportions of say 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%. These proportions were adopted for both the type of fibers. The samples were kept for 7 days, 14 days and 28 days of curing. Tests done on cured samples were C-S test and S-T-S test. Whereas, fresh concrete is tested for various other rheological properties of concrete say S-F test, V-B test and L-B test.

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