
Narrow, rural two-lane highways are mostly characterized by low design features, light traffic volumes with high crash rates, and particularly high fatal crash rates. About 5,000 mi of these highways are administered by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development. Run-off-roadway (ROR) crashes are the most common type of crashes on narrow, rural two-lane highways. Because the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices does not require edgelines, edgelines are not found on many such highways because of their low traffic volumes. There are two main concerns for edgeline implementation on narrow two-lane highways: the potential increase in head-on collisions and the added maintenance cost to the already constrained annual maintenance budget. The second part of a study that evaluated the safety impact of edgelines on narrow, rural two-lane highways in Louisiana is presented. On the basis of data collected from 10 locations, the first part of the study proved that edge lines centralized the lateral position of vehicles. This second part of the study evaluated the safety performance before and after the implementation of edgelines on roadway segments selected from all Louisiana districts. By using the empirical Bayes method, the study showed that edgeline implementation significantly reduced expected crash frequencies. Edgeline implementation reduced ROR crashes as well as head-on crashes. The implementation of edgelines benefited primarily male drivers and young drivers. Because of the crash-decreasing trend observed in the 3-year period classified as the after period in this study, the final estimated crash modification factor was 0.85 with a standard deviation of 0.039. The high benefit–cost ratio strongly supports edgeline implementation on narrow, rural two-lane highways in Louisiana.

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