
INTRODUCTION Contemporary Religious Violence Defining Religious Terrorism & Ritualistic Crimes. Categories of Religious Groups. Cult versus Occult. Religious Concepts. Religious Freedom. Ritual. Sacrifice. Crimes Typically Associated with Religious Terrorism and Ritual Violence. Current Trends in Terrorist Weapons. Bioterrorism. Cyberterrorism. Radiological Weapons. Suicide Bombers. Suicide Shooters. TERRORIST RELIGIONS Millennial Religions & Terrorism Millennialism and Related Concepts. Millennial Religious Groups and Law Enforcement. Millennial Classification System. Consulting Religious Scholars. Aum Shinrikyo: A Case Study in Religious Terrorism. Domestic Terrorist Religions Modern Terrorism. Categories of Domestic Terrorism. Domestic Terrorist Religions. Christian Identity. Church of Jesus Christ Christian. World Church of the Creator. Odinism. Lone Wolves and The Phineas Priesthood. Army of God. Recent Trends in Domestic Terrorist Groups. International Terrorist Religions Categories of International Terrorism. Islam and Islamic Beliefs. Islamic Religious Sects. Islamic Fundamental Sects. Wahhabism: The Religion of Osama bin Laden. Islamic Fundamentalist Extremist Groups and Beliefs. Acts of Terrorism against America 1982-2002. Violence against Women. Religious Justifications for Violence. Jihad/Holy War. Istishhad/Martyrdom. OCCULT RELIGIONS Satanism Modern Satanism. Defining Satanism. Categories of Satanism. Religious Satanists. Traditional Satanists. Self-styled Satanists. Youth Subculture Satanists. Anti Satanism. Modern Religious Satanic Groups. Ordo Templi Orientis. Church of Satan. Temple of Set. Satanic Violence. Violent Scripture. Vengeance. Satanic Responses to September 11th. Sacrifice (Ritual Homicide). Satanism on the Internet. Similarities in Satanic and Terrorist Religions. Vampirism Modern Vampires. Vampire Culture. Real Vampires. Vampire Role Players. The Goth Movement. Blood Rituals. Vampire Crimes. The Fetish Scene. Contemporary Vampire Religions. The Sanguinarium. The Temple of the Vampire. The Vampire Church and other Vampire Religious Groups. Vampire Cults. Syncretic Religions Syncretic Belief Systems. Santeria. Santeria Religious Beliefs. Santeria Rituals and Magical Practices. Initiation. Divination. Spirit Possession. Sacrifice. Voodoo. Brujeria. Palo Mayombe. Human Sacrifice. INVESTIGATING RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE Ritualistic Crime Scenes Crime Scene Clues. Symbols. Magical Alphabets. Sacred Texts. Candle Magic. Calendars. Investigatory Strategies. Compiling a Search Warrant. Conducting an Occult Related Investigation. Strategy for Ritualistic Child Abuse Investigation. Crime Scenes. Intelligence Strategies Advantages of Understanding Religious Violence. Law Enforcement Issues. Magical Thinking. Recruitment Techniques. Indoctrination Techniques. Satanic Ritual Abuse. Negotiation Techniques. Prevention. Symbolic Analysis: Ritual Homicide Typology Types of Criminal Profiling. Washington, D.C. Serial Sniper Case Study. Crime Classification. Perpetrators' Motives and Methods. Symbolic Analysis: Ritual Homicide. Typology Categories: Sacrifice, Ritual Murder, Millennial Murder, Holy War, Iconoclasm, VICAP Forms. Glossary of terms Index

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