
To determine whether Endotine-assisted endoscopic brow lift with concomitant upper lid blepharoplasty provides long-term brow elevation. Pre- and post-operative photographs from 35 patients who underwent endoscopic brow lift using Endotine Forehead 3 mm implants with concomitant upper lid blepharoplasty were measured to determine changes in brow height with surgery and up to 55 months post-operatively. Photographs of 20 control subjects who did not undergo periorbital surgery and 11 control subjects who underwent upper blepharoplasty without brow lifting were also measured to provide a basis for comparison. Emotrics software was used to perform automated brow height measurements in order to determine elevation and longevity achieved with endoscopic brow lifting in conjunction with upper lid blepharoplasty. There was a statistically significant increase in brow height post-operatively, averaging 1.6 mm (P < .0001, 95% confidence interval 0.95-2.18 mm). Fifty-four percent of patients had follow-up beyond 6 months post-operatively and 40% had follow-up beyond 1 year. Elevation remained stable over time with no statistically significant change across all serial post-operative visits. There was no statistically significant difference in brow elevation based on gender or age, or between right and left sides. Endotine-assisted endoscopic brow lift in conjunction with upper lid blepharoplasty provides modest brow elevation and long-term brow fixation as demonstrated by stable post-operative brow height measurements for up to 55 months.

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