
Traffic accident increased intermittently in alarming rate and it was a serious problem throughout the globe particularly in developing countries like Ethiopia. This research concerns on investigate the level of awareness on traffic control devices to minimize traffic accident on pedestrians in Gondar town. To address the objective the study uses twelve (12) questionnaires that distributed for 150 respondents in the town. The study uses simple random sampling mechanism to allocate questionnaires for defined sample size. Basically, the study uses data collected through selfadministrating questionnaires from randomly selected pedestrians of the town to reveal the final findings. Essentially, descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyze the data. Based on analysis the study revealed that traffic accident on pedestrians was happen due to lack of awareness about traffic control device, no enough traffic control devices in the town, merely existing traffic control device was not functional, the pedestrians were not loyal to the rule and regulation and etc. were fundamental factors in the town. As a result, traffic accident on pedestrian mostly related to the above findings. In order to overcome the problem the study recommend that government and other stakeholder must create awareness on traffic control devices usage to the population of the town particularly pedestrians. Not only this, drivers must giving priority for pedestrians by avoiding parking and stopping on improper place like side walk, zebra crossings and etc. In addition to this the government must add the number of traffic control devices and maintenance existing traffic control devices properly to minimize road traffic accidents on pedestrians in the town.

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