
This paper describes a close-up investigation of one advanced language learner’s interaction with strategy instruction (SI) materials specially designed to enhance efforts to fine-tune comprehension of academic writing vocabulary. The learner provided introspective and retrospective verbal report data, log entries, and completed a measure of learning style. The results showed that engaging in eight SI sessions heightened the learner’s awareness of (1) the benefits of being strategic in accessing available resources to assist her in fine-tuning academic vocabulary, (2) the moment-by-moment fluctuation of strategy functions (i.e., metacognitive, cognitive, social, affective), and (3) how her learning style preferences came into play when using selected strategies.In particular, the data underscored the value of the practical suggestions and tips provided by SI materials for enhancing her ability to plan and reflect on strategy use. The data also revealed that her awareness of both style-matching and style-stretching informed her selection and use of strategies. The implications for individualized approaches to the implementation of SI are discussed.

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