
Investigations of Greenland's glaciers undertaken by GGU are primarily related to the exploitation of meltwater from the Inland lce and local glaciers in western Greenland, i.e. they are essentially related to glacier hydrology (Olesen & Braithwaite, 1989). The studies are therefore based on mass balance data combined with investigations of superglacial melt/refreezing and the determination of the internal mode of drainage. Related to this work is the documentation of short-term glacier changes at specific localities identified as being of special interest for hydropower from the point of view of glacier hazards, i.e. for example damage caused by tapping of ice dammed lakes or change of proglacial draining caused by change in the glacier's thickness and extent. Similar documentation of long-term glacier fluctuations provides a background for control and modelling of past glacier fluctuations. The procedures have a direct bearing on the calculation of scenarios for future events related to the individual localities or, in a regional sense, to the impact of changes in Greenland glaciers on global sea level (the 'greenhouse effect’).


  • The sclcction of the site was based on existing dctailcd data an the surfaee and subsurface of the [nland Ice margin (Thomsen & Olesen, 1990)

  • Glacier run off studies were carricd out to determine loeal variations in glacial contributions to hydropower (Braithwaite & Olesen, 1988, 1989b)

  • Al Ihe same timc information an glaeicr ablation provides an important contribution to the global study af problems canceming glacier melt in connection wilh the 'green house effcct' and the consequent rise in sea level

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Tasersiaq area

Sersiaq (66°N), and at the locality af Pakitsoq (Påkitsup ilordlia) (690 25'N). The localities af all reported mass and energy balance rneasurements in Greenland arc shown in fig. l together with yeafs of operation; those described in the folIowing are underlined. L together with yeafs of operation; those described in the folIowing are underlined. The localities af all reported mass and energy balance rneasurements in Greenland arc shown in fig. This area is rclated to the greatest hydropower potential in Grcenland. On 'Amitsuloq iee cap' mass-balance measurements (01esen~ 1986) wiIl be continucd in conncction with a speeific invesligation af refreczing processes in the fim arcas of this iee eap. Jn connection with these investigatia ns minor automatie climate stations, measuring anly temperalure and humidity ~ were operated during the summer of 1989

Påkitsoq area
Buksefjorden area
Glacier changes
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