
BACKGROUND: Burnout among newly licensed registered nurses is a prevalent healthcare issue. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the factors that reduce nurse burnout: workload, job interference with home life, having friendly co-workers, and inspirational motivation. METHODS: Secondary data from Kovner et al.’s 2006–2015 longitudinal survey was used to conduct a factor analysis. Kovner et al. surveyed 1,706 newly licensed nurses who received their nursing licenses in 2002 in the United States. The factor analysis identified the relationships between several questions about burnout symptoms and organizational factors. RESULTS: Supervisors inspiring the best in their employees, job satisfaction, and nurses’ job expectations matching their actual job duties were found to be related. Heavy workloads, nervousness, mood swings, irritability, and feeling on edge were also related. Additionally, job’s interference with home life and friendly co-workers were unrelated. CONCLUSIONS: Burnout can be mitigated by lessening workloads, supporting nurses, and ensuring nurses’ job expectations are met. Further research is needed to explain why some factors, such as having friendly co-workers, did not appear to influence burnout symptoms.

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