
The research focuses on evaluating the changes in stiffness of the AC11 50/70 asphalt mixtures with different bitumen content. These changes are induced by the action of thermo-oxidative ageing in both short and long term process. The short-term aging simulates the process of asphalt mixture production, transport and laying. Long-term aging simulates the serviceability process that pavement must withstand during 10 to 15 years of service life. Asphalt mix stiffness measurements were made using the IT-CY method according to EN 12697-26 for 3 different temperatures of 10, 20 and 30°C. To investigate the effect of asphalt binder content on stiffness, measurements were performed on 3 types of mixes with 4.9, 5.4 and 5.9% asphalt binder in the mix. Research in this area has revealed that both the binder content and the thickness of the asphalt film have a relatively significant effect on the change in the stiffness of the asphalt mixture. The changes in stiffness for the asphalt mixture with a binder content of 4.9% were only minimal in terms of the degree of aging. At 10°C, even a minor decrease in stiffness was observed for this mix. The asphalt mixture with 5.9% binder had a very significant increase in stiffness in terms of the degree of ageing.

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