
To identify the completion rate for postpartum tubal ligation (PPTL) and predictors of noncompletion of PPTL in a central New Jersey population. We conducted a retrospective chart review at a tertiary care center in New Jersey for patients delivering during an 18-month period. We used the electronic medical record to identify all of the patients who had documented desire for a PPTL at the time of admission. We calculated the rate of PPTL completion and identified predictors of completion and risk factors for noncompletion. We recorded any documented reasons for cancellation and choice of contraception after noncompletion. Of 626 women who requested PPTL on admission, 508 (81.2%) procedures were performed. The most common reasons for noncompletion were patient changing her mind (38.1%) and unknown/not documented (22.9%). Cesarean delivery was the strongest predictor of completion, with 93.4% completion among cesarean deliveries compared with 65.6% among vaginal deliveries (P < 0.01). Lack of insurance also was associated with noncompletion (P < 0.01). There was no difference in body mass index (P = 0.75), gravidity (P = 0.99), parity (P = 0.72), or high-risk status (P = 0.47) between completed and noncompleted PPTL. Cesarean delivery is a strong predictor of PPTL completion, most likely because of easier availability of the operating room, anesthesia, and ancillary staff. Body mass index, gravidity, and parity are not associated with PPTL completion. Future research should focus on exploring whether this association is system, provider, or patient dependent.

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