
Poets in different periods of human history have entered the field of literature that patriotism and patriotism has been one of their poetic themes and have turned poetry into one of the prominent positions that can express the feelings and pains of their nation. Express with it. They endured the hardships of the nation and sought to portray the true face of the colonialists and oppressors. Patriotism and patriotism has been one of their poetic themes. One of these poets is convinced, he lived in a time full of oppression and tyranny and for this reason he has used the array of discernment in his poems. With the help of recognizing inanimate elements, he has used nature and with the utmost skill and mastery and beauty of words, has given them human characteristics and feelings, and has given them movement, life and feeling, he, anti-colonialism and justice , Freedom-seeking, etc. with the help of diagnoses of the type; He draws simple and complex in his poems. The research method is library study based on content analysis.

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