
In this article, the Kuusk–Nilson forest reflectance and transmittance (FRT) model was inverted to retrieve the overstorey and understorey leaf area index (OU-LAI) of forest stands in the Longmenhe forest nature reserve in China. Data from detailed sample sites were collected in 30 forest stands representing the typical vegetation community in the study area. An uncertainty and sensitivity matrix (USM) was used to analyse the sensitivity of the FRT model parameters based on these data. The results indicated that overstorey LAI strongly influenced stand reflectance, whereas understorey LAI had a much lower impact. To predict OU-LAI in forest stands, FRT model inversion is carried out by minimizing a merit function that provides a measure of the difference between the reflectance simulated by the FRT model and the reflectance originating from optimal band selection of Hyperion data. Various combinations of Hyperion bands were tested to evaluate the most effective wavelengths for the inversion of OU-LAI. The best estimates from 17 Hyperion bands (5 VIS, 8 NIR, 4 SWIR) by the FRT model inversion showed an R 2 = 0.41 and RMSE/mean = 0.21 for overstorey LAI and R 2 = 0.49 and RMSE/mean = 0.91 for understorey LAI. Advantages and disadvantages of FRT inversion for retrieval OU-LAI combined with Hyperion data are discussed.

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