
Due to their effects on reducing recombination, chromosomal inversions may play an important role in speciation by establishing and/or maintaining linked blocks of genes causing reproductive isolation (RI) between populations. This view fits empirical data indicating that inversions typically harbor loci involved in RI. However, previous computer simulations of infinite populations with two to four loci involved in RI implied that, even with gene flux as low as 10-8 per gamete, per generation between alternative arrangements, inversions may not have large, qualitative advantages over collinear regions in maintaining population differentiation after secondary contact. Here, we report that finite population sizes can help counteract the homogenizing consequences of gene flux, especially when several fitness-related loci reside within the inversion. In these cases, the persistence time of differentiation after secondary contact can be similar to when gene flux is absent and notably longer than the persistence time without inversions. Thus, despite gene flux, population differentiation may be maintained for up to 100,000 generations, during which time new incompatibilities and/or local adaptations might accumulate and facilitate progress toward speciation. How often these conditions are met in nature remains to be determined.

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