
Sequence stratigraphy and structural interpretation of regional composite seismic lines and new 3D seismic data of Lake Maracaibo lead us to question the old [open quotes]strike-slip fault movement[close quotes] geological paradigm as the major cause of deformation in this area. The pre-Miocene compressional structures of the majority of the oil fields of this area such as Ceuta, Lama, Motatan, etc., are easily and better explained as the result of a Tertiary Tectonic Inversion. Such inversion can be interpreted as a consequence of shortening of [open quotes]depocenters[close quotes] (grabens and half grabens) developed during extensional phases of a back-arc basin. During this shortening, the old faults bordering the [open quotes]depocenters[close quotes] were reactivated with reverse movements creating large compressional structural traps in the hanging wall (old downthrown block). Thin-skinned compressional deformation can occur, locally, outside the major [open quotes]depocenters[close quotes] in the footwall areas between faults of opposite vergence.

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