
We consider an abstract differential equation of the first order with unbounded linear operator u′(t) = Au(t) + f(t) in a Banach space X. For this equation the Cauchy problem is studied with initial data u(0) = x at t = 0. We assume that the operator A generates an n-times integrated semigroup V(t). The inverse problem to determine the nonhomogeneous member is considered under the assumption that this term has the following representation f(t) = p, where p is an unknown element of the space X. This problem belongs to the class of inverse problems. Inverse problems for abstract differential equations was discussed initially with this inhomogeneous structure member but for equations with an operator generating a C0-semigroup. An additional condition u(T) = y is specified for the determination of the unknown p, where y is a given element of the space X. Thus we get the two-point problem, which had not been considered previously for integrated semigroups. The question of existence and uniqueness of the classical solution of the inverse problem is studied. Sufficient conditions of correct solvability of the inverse problem are obtained. Explicit formula to determine the unknown element in the differential equation is given.

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