
AbstractThe masses of the low-lying scalar mesons are investigated in the three-flavor Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model by treating the scalar mesons as composite objects of a quark and an antiquark. It is known that a simple $\bar{q}q$ picture fails to reproduce the so-called inverse mass ordering for the scalar mesons. Recently a new mechanism to reproduce the observed mass spectrum of the scalar mesons was proposed in a linear sigma model by introducing flavor symmetry breaking induced by the U(1) axial anomaly. Motivated by this proposal, we examine whether this new mechanism also works in the NJL model. By calculating the scalar meson masses, we find that the NJL model reproduces the observed mass ordering with sufficient strength of the new term. With this mechanism, it turns out that the constituent strange quark mass becomes degenerate to that of the up and down quarks if the inverse mass ordering is reproduced. We also discuss the scalar diquark masses to check the consistency of the degeneracy of the constituent quark masses with the light baryon masses.

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