
The present experiments indicate that the phenomena of inverse exchange bias and negative magnetization are observed simultaneously in Gd2Co0.5Mn1.5O6 below the ferrimagnetic compensation point Tcomp. The training effect confirms the intrinsic nature of the inverse exchange bias and reveals that the frozen spins relax more slowly than the rotatable spins according to the fitting of exchange bias field (HEB) vs cycle loops (n) curve. The amplitude of HEB varies inversely with the cooling field Hcool and the inverse exchange bias is found to remain up to 50 kOe. The observed exchange bias is argued to be due to the fact that the inverse ferromagnetic moments below Tcomp can be flipped by adjusting the amplitude or direction of the magnetic field during the M(H) hysteresis loop measurement. The manipulability of the negative magnetization state is demonstrated by the remanent magnetization and magnetic switching measurements.

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