
Inverse design of thickness sensitive spectrally selective pigmented coatings that are used in absorbers of solar thermal collectors is considered. The objective is to maximize collection efficiency by achieving high absorptance at solar wavelengths and low emittance at the infrared (IR) wavelengths to minimize heat loss. Radiative properties of these coatings depend on coating thickness, pigment size, concentration, and the optical properties of binder and pigment materials, and a unified radiative transfer model of the pigmented coatings is developed in order to understand the effect of these parameters on the properties. The unified model (UM) relies on Lorenz–Mie theory (LMT) for independent scattering regime in conjunction with extended Hartel theory (EHT) to incorporate the multiple scattering effects, T-matrix method (TMM) for dependent scattering, and effective medium theory (EMT) for very small particles. A simplified version of the UM (SUM) ignoring dependent scattering is also developed for improving computational efficiency. Through the solution of the radiative transfer equation by the four flux method (FFM), spectral properties are predicted. The developed model is used in conjunction with inverse design for estimating design variables yielding the desired spectral emittance of the ideal coating. The nonlinear inverse design problem is solved by optimization by using simulated annealing (SA) method that is capable of finding global minimum regardless of initial guess.

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